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januar, 2024

09jan15:3017:15Kurset er ferdigLastesikringskurs15:30 - 17:15 Haugsgjerd


9 januar - 15:30 - 9 januar - 17:15



Løkkeveien 10, 4008 Stavanger

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1 kommentar

  1. You are basically right about CGNAT, and it is pest No advantages for customers, except slower Internet with higher latency, and it might even get crowded and you will not get Internet access as you shouldAnd you do have an address on your WAN interface in your home router in the net 1006400/10 if you have CGNAT If your external WAN port do not have a public nor a CGNAT address on your WAN port but some from the private address ranges (like 19216800/16), change ISP fast, because then they are incompetent ReallyChange preferable to one that do service your proper IPv6 (a /56 net, if they deliver only a /64 to you, change to another ISP, as they then probably are incompetent Really But really check you get a /64 before you run)Your IPv6 address are a public address, as it is in the net 2000::/3 (that is the first digit is 2 or 3, then it is a public IPv6 address) We know that the netmask is /64, as all local LAN should have a /64 network in IPv6 That makes things so much simpler and actually faster routersYour IPv4 address are as it should, a private ipv4 address in the net 19216800/16, which usually is divided into /24 nets

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